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دانلود اهنگ جدید Sealed With A Kiss از آمین باصر

در این ساعت آهنگ جدیدی از آمین باصر به نام Sealed With A Kiss برای شما کاربران عزیز رسانه نوا صدا آماده کردیم

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آمین باصر Sealed With A Kiss

Though we've gotta say goodbye for the summer,
Darling I promise you this,
I'll send you all my love,
Everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss,
Yes it's gonna be a cold lonely summer,
But I'll fill the emptiness,
I'll send you all my dreams,
Everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss,
I'll see you in the sunlight,
I'll hear your voice everywhere,
I'll run to tenderly hold you,
But darling, you won't be there,
I don't want to say goodbye for the summer,
Knowing the love we'll miss,
Oh let us make a pledge,
To meet in September and seal it with a kiss,
Yes it's gonna be a cold lonely summer,
But I'll fill the emptiness,
I'll send you all my dreams,
Everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss,
Sealed with a kiss, sealed with a kiss.
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